
Article No. K97-2
Title Human cDNA encoding a novel TGF-beta superfamily protein highly expressed in placenta.
Authors Yokoyama-Kobayashi M, Saeki M, Sekine S, Kato S.
Journal J Biochem. 1997 Sep;122(3):622-6.
PMID 9348093









塩基配列だけでは論文化できない時代になっていたので、新しく開発した分泌シグナル検出法の成功例として、塩基配列とノザンブロットハイブリダイゼーションの結果を含めた論文をJ. Biochem.に投稿することにしました。1997年4月に投稿し、9月に出版されました。我々の論文が出版されたあと、10月にBootcovら(Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A)とHromasらの論文(Biochim Biophys Acta)、12月にはLawtonらの論文(Gene)、翌年5月にはParalkarらの論文(J Biol Chem)と相次いで出版されています。論文投稿日は、Bootcovらが2月、我々が4月、HromasらとParalkarらが5月の順になっています。したがって、同時期に査読が行われていたことになります


新しく同定されたTGF-βスーパーファミリータンパク質に対して、上記の各論文はMIC-1(Bootcovら)、PLAB(Hromasら)、PTGFB(Lawtonら)、PDF(Paralkarら)と命名しています。我々もTGF-βPLと命名したのですが、Discussionの中に記載したためか見逃され、以後引用される場合も名無しの権平になってしまいました。新規タンパク質の名前はタイトルやアブストラクトの中に含めるべきであることを痛感しました。なお、本タンパク質はGDF15(growth differentiation factor 15)という統一した名前で呼ばれています。

その後、GDF15の生理活性について数多くの研究がなされ、被引用文献にもあるように非常に興味深い結果が得られています。これらの内容についてはヒト遺伝子コレクション - GDF15のページで紹介します。


Google Scholarで検索した結果、被引用数は現時点(2024年)で100となっています。その多くは、GDF15をTGF-βスーパーファミリータンパク質として最初に同定したとして、他の4つの論文と一緒に引用されています(25報)。しかし、データベース登録と論文出版が最も早いという理由からか、GDF15の論文の代表として我々の論文のみを引用しているものも見受けられます(12報)。



No. Ref ID 研究機関 雑誌名 論文タイトル 備考 URL
1 R99-1 オーストラリア University of New South Wales J Leukoc Biol MIC-1 is a novel TGF-beta superfamily cytokine associated with macrophage activation. 総説 9886240
2 R99-2 ドイツ University of Heidelberg Cell Tissue Res Expression of a novel member of the TGF-beta superfamily, growth/differentiation factor-15/macrophage-inhibiting cytokine-1 (GDF-15/MIC-1) in adult rat tissues. 発現組織 10398887
3 R00-1 米国 Parke-Davis Pharmaceutical Research Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A PTGF-beta, a type beta transforming growth factor (TGF-beta) superfamily member, is a p53 target gene that inhibits tumor cell growth via TGF-beta signaling pathway. 転写制御、生理活性 10618379
4 R00-2 カナダ Ontario Cancer Institute J Biol Chem Placental transforming growth factor-beta is a downstream mediator of the growth arrest and apoptotic response of tumor cells to DNA damage and p53 overexpression. 転写制御、発現誘導、生理活性 10777512
5 R00-3 米国 The Johns Hopkins University Mol Cell Biol Characterization of growth-differentiation factor 15, a transforming growth factor beta superfamily member induced following liver injury. 発現組織 10779363
6 R00-4 オーストラリア University of New South Wales EMBO J The propeptide of macrophage inhibitory cytokine (MIC-1), a TGF-beta superfamily member, acts as a quality control determinant for correctly folded MIC-1. 構造 10811612
7 R00-5 オーストラリア University of New South Wales J Clin Endocrinol Metab The transforming growth factor-ss superfamily cytokine macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1 is present in high concentrations in the serum of pregnant women. 発現組織 11134143
8 R01-1 米国 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Mol Pharmacol Cyclooxygenase inhibitors regulate the expression of a TGF-beta superfamily member that has proapoptotic and antitumorigenic activities. 生理活性 11259636
9 R01-2 オーストラリア University of New South Wales J Biol Chem The propeptide of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily member, macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1 (MIC-1), is a multifunctional domain that can facilitate protein folding and secretion. 構造 11278594
10 R01-3 米国 University of Washington Int J Cancer Placental bone morphogenetic protein (PLAB) gene expression in normal, pre-malignant and malignant human prostate: relation to tumor development and progression. 発現組織 11391620
11 R01-4 米国 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences J Biol Chem Molecular cloning and characterization of human nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-activated gene promoter. Basal transcription is mediated by Sp1 and Sp3. 転写制御 11445565
12 R01-5 ドイツ University of Heidelberg J Comp Neurol Expression of growth differentiation factor-15/ macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1 (GDF-15/MIC-1) in the perinatal, adult, and injured rat brain. 発現組織 11579380
13 R01-6 カナダ University of Alberta Curr Protein Pept Sci Life and death in the placenta: new peptides and genes regulating human syncytiotrophoblast and extravillous cytotrophoblast lineage formation and renewal. 総説 12369935
14 R02-1 米国 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences J Nutr Diallyl disulfide (DADS) induces the antitumorigenic NSAID-activated gene (NAG-1) by a p53-dependent mechanism in human colorectal HCT 116 cells. 転写制御、発現誘導、生理活性 11925476
15 R02-2 シンガポール Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology J Biol Chem Autocrine human growth hormone inhibits placental transforming growth factor-beta gene transcription to prevent apoptosis and allow cell cycle progression of human mammary carcinoma cells. 転写制御 11994274
16 R03-1 米国 Washington University J Cell Biochem Proprotein convertases regulate activity of prostate epithelial cell differentiation markers and are modulated in human prostate cancer cells. 構造 12520542
17 R03-2 米国 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Mol Pharmacol Differential regulation of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-activated gene in normal human tracheobronchial epithelial and lung carcinoma cells by retinoids. 転写制御、発現誘導 12606762
18 R03-3 オーストラリア University of New South Wales Clin Cancer Res MIC-1 serum level and genotype: associations with progress and prognosis of colorectal carcinoma. バイオマーカー 12855642
19 R03-4 米国 Dartmouth Medical School Oncogene Microarray analysis uncovers retinoid targets in human bronchial epithelial cells. 発現誘導 12894236
20 R03-5 韓国 Yonsei University Acta Otolaryngol Expression of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-activated gene-1 in human nasal mucosa and cultured nasal epithelial cells: a preliminary investigation. 発現組織 14575402
21 R03-6 米国 Roche Research Center Mol Cancer Ther Macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1: a novel biomarker for p53 pathway activation. バイオマーカー 14578467
22 R03-7 米国 University of Rochester J Gastrointest Surg Induction of MIC-1/growth differentiation factor-15 following bile duct injury. 発現誘導 14592665
23 R04-1 米国 The University of Arizona J Biol Chem Androgen control of cell proliferation and cytoskeletal reorganization in human fibrosarcoma cells: role of RhoB signaling. 発現誘導 14576147
24 R04-2 米国 Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Clin Cancer Res Serum macrophage inhibitory cytokine 1 as a marker of pancreatic and other periampullary cancers. バイオマーカー 15073115
25 R04-3 マレーシア Malaysian Palm Oil Board Lipids Tocotrienol-rich fraction from palm oil affects gene expression in tumors resulting from MCF-7 cell inoculation in athymic mice. 発現誘導 15506241
26 R05-1 カナダ University of Alberta J Clin Endocrinol Metab PL74, a novel member of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily, is overexpressed in preeclampsia and causes apoptosis in trophoblast cells. 発現誘導、生理活性 15705926
27 R05-2 米国 University of Miami Shock Growth differentiation factor-15/macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1 induction after kidney and lung injury. 発現誘導 15897808
28 R05-3 米国 St. Joseph's Hospital Int J Oncol Human natural killer cells: a comprehensive review. 総説 15942642
29 R05-4 米国 The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions J Clin Oncol Molecular markers of early pancreatic cancer. 総説 16002843
30 R06-1 米国 University of Miami J Surg Res Growth differentiation factor-15: induction in liver injury through p53 and tumor necrosis factor-independent mechanisms. 発現誘導 16154591
31 R06-2 米国 University of Tennessee Prog Lipid Res Changes in gene expression contribute to cancer prevention by COX inhibitors. 総説 16337272
32 R06-3 米国 Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Clin Cancer Res Serum markers in patients with resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma: macrophage inhibitory cytokine 1 versus CA19-9. バイオマーカー 16428484
33 R07-1 日本 国立がんセンター研 Mol Cell Biol The SYT-SSX fusion protein down-regulates the cell proliferation regulator COM1 in t(x;18) synovial sarcoma. 発現誘導 17101797
34 R07-2 ドイツ Hannover Medical School Clin Chem Circulating concentrations of growth-differentiation factor 15 in apparently healthy elderly individuals and patients with chronic heart failure as assessed by a new immunoradiometric sandwich assay. バイオマーカー 17185363
35 R07-3 米国 Northwestern University J Surg Res Resveratrol inhibits pancreatic cancer cell proliferation through transcriptional induction of macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1. 発現誘導、生理活性 17257620
36 R07-4 カナダ BC Cancer Research Centre Differentiation Dynamics of expression of growth differentiation factor 15 in normal and PIN development in the mouse. 発現誘導、生理活性 17286605
37 R07-5 台湾 Chang Gung University Mol Cancer Ther Differentially expressed genes in radioresistant nasopharyngeal cancer cells: gp96 and GDF15. 発現誘導、生理活性 17671084
38 R07-6 米国 Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Semin Oncol Identifying molecular markers for the early detection of pancreatic neoplasia. 総説 17674958
39 R08-1 米国 University of Miami J Cancer Res Clin Oncol Effect of in vivo loss of GDF-15 on hepatocellular carcinogenesis. ノックアウト 18210153
40 R08-2 米国 University of Notre Dame Mol Cancer Ther Array-based analysis of the effects of trichostatin A and CG-1521 on cell cycle and cell death in LNCaP prostate cancer cells. 発現誘導 18645003
41 R09-1 ノルウェー Oslo University Hospital Hypertension Circulating and placental growth-differentiation factor 15 in preeclampsia and in pregnancy complicated by diabetes mellitus. バイオマーカー 19470878
42 R10-1 米国 University of Miami J Cancer Res Clin Oncol Loss of GDF-15 abolishes sulindac chemoprevention in the ApcMin/+ mouse model of intestinal cancer. ノックアウト 19784846
43 R10-2 スイス University Hospital Zurich Clin Cancer Res GDF-15 contributes to proliferation and immune escape of malignant gliomas. 生理活性 20534737
44 R11-1 英国 Cardiff University Front Biosci (Landmark Ed) Bone morphogenetic protein and bone metastasis, implication and therapeutic potential. 総説 21196208
45 R11-2 ドイツ University of Applied Science Biberach Cell Tissue Res Regulation of GDF-15, a distant TGF-β superfamily member, in a mouse model of cerebral ischemia. 発現誘導、生理活性 21128084
46 R12-1 ベルギー Centre d'Etude de l'Energie Nucléaire Mutat Res Low dose irradiation of thyroid cells reveals a unique transcriptomic and epigenetic signature in RET/PTC-positive cells. 発現誘導 22027090
47 R12-2 チェコ Masaryk University Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis Growth/differentiation factor-15: prostate cancer suppressor or promoter? 総説 22370725
48 R12-3 英国 The University of Salford Cancer Biomark Macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1: a review of its pleiotropic actions in cancer. 総説 23220850
49 R12-4 ドイツ University of Marburg J Am Heart Assoc Growth differentiation factor-15 deficiency inhibits atherosclerosis progression by regulating interleukin-6-dependent inflammatory response to vascular injury. ノックアウト, 生理活性 23316317
50 R13-1 ドイツ University of Freiburg Cytokine Growth Factor Rev The multiple facets of the TGF-β family cytokine growth/differentiation factor-15/macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1. 総説 23787157
51 R13-2 中国 Fourth Military Medical University PLoS One Adaptive induction of growth differentiation factor 15 attenuates endothelial cell apoptosis in response to high glucose stimulus. 発現誘導 23799024
52 R13-3 米国 University of Colorado Denver PLoS One Induction of the unfolded protein response drives enhanced metabolism and chemoresistance in glioma cells. 発現誘導 24039668
53 R15-1 中国 Dalian Medical University Clin Appl Thromb Hemost Evaluation factors of pulmonary embolism severity and prognosis. バイオマーカー 24023267
54 R15-2 日本 神戸大 Lab Invest GDF15 derived from both tumor-associated macrophages and esophageal squamous cell carcinomas contributes to tumor progression via Akt and Erk pathways. 発現誘導 25730371
55 R15-3 米国 University of Michigan Health System Respir Res Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are associated with decreased CD4+ & CD8+ T cells and increased growth & differentiation factor-15 (GDF-15) in peripheral blood. バイオマーカー 26243260
56 R15-4 インド Translational Health Science and Technology Institute J Diabetes Res GDF-15 as a Target and Biomarker for Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases: A Translational Prospective. 総説 26273671
57 R16-1 中国 Zhejiang University J Cell Mol Med Growth differentiation factor 15 is a promising diagnostic and prognostic biomarker in colorectal cancer. バイオマーカー 26990020
58 R16-2 中国、ニュージーランド Fudan University, University of Auckland Cytokine Serum levels of GDF15 are reduced in preeclampsia and the reduction is more profound in late-onset than early-onset cases. バイオマーカー 27173615
59 R17-1 韓国 Chungnam National University J Cell Biol Growth differentiation factor 15 is a myomitokine governing systemic energy homeostasis. 生理活性 27986797
60 R17-2 米国 Children's Hospital of Philadelphia EMBO Mol Med GDF15 is a heart-derived hormone that regulates body growth. 生理活性 28572090
61 R17-3 中国 Sichuan University Medicine (Baltimore) Plasma cytokines can help to identify the development of severe acute pancreatitis on admission. バイオマーカー 28700471
62 R17-4 韓国 Chungnam National University Intern Med J Growth differentiation factor 15 as a predictor of adverse renal outcomes in patients with immunoglobulin A nephropathy. バイオマーカー 28869715
63 R18-1 中国 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Biochem Biophys Res Commun Hepatic GDF15 is regulated by CHOP of the unfolded protein response and alleviates NAFLD progression in obese mice. 転写制御、生理活性 28847729
64 R18-2 韓国 Seoul National University Liver Int Growth differentiation factor 15 predicts advanced fibrosis in biopsy-proven non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. バイオマーカー 28898507
65 R18-3 中国 Fudan University Redox Biol Fasting exacerbates hepatic growth differentiation factor 15 to promote fatty acid β-oxidation and ketogenesis via activating XBP1 signaling in liver. 生理活性 29482168
66 R18-4 中国 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis YAP promotes breast cancer metastasis by repressing growth differentiation factor-15. 転写制御、生理活性 29499325
67 R18-5 日本 神戸大 Pathol Int Cancer as a tissue: The significance of cancer-stromal interactions in the development, morphogenesis and progression of human upper digestive tract cancer. 総説 29671926
68 R18-6 米国 Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Mol Cell Biol Growth Differentiation Factor 15 Maturation Requires Proteolytic Cleavage by PCSK3, -5, and -6. 構造 30104250
69 R18-7 中国 Nanjing Medical University Mol Ther Nucleic Acids EZH2-Mediated Epigenetic Suppression of GDF15 Predicts a Poor Prognosis and Regulates Cell Proliferation in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. 生理活性、バイオマーカー 30195769
70 R18-8 米国 Lilly Research Laboratories Front Physiol GDF15 and Growth Control. 総説 30542297
71 R19-1 英国 University of Cambridge Cell Metab GDF15 Provides an Endocrine Signal of Nutritional Stress in Mice and Humans. 生理活性 30639358
72 R19-2 ベルギー Ghent University Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci Growth differentiation factor 15: A novel biomarker with high clinical potential. 総説 31076013
73 R20-1 ドイツ University of Potsdam Exp Gerontol Mitochondrial uncoupling and longevity - A role for mitokines? 総説 31786315
74 R20-2 ドイツ German Institute of Human Nutrition EMBO Rep Muscle-derived GDF15 drives diurnal anorexia and systemic metabolic remodeling during mitochondrial stress. 生理活性 32026535
75 R20-3 英国 University of Cambridge Endocr Rev GDF15: A Hormone Conveying Somatic Distress to the Brain. 総説 32310257
76 R20-4 オランダ University Medical Centre Utrecht ESC Heart Fail Growth differentiation factor 15 in adverse cardiac remodelling: from biomarker to causal player. 総説 32424982
77 R20-5 ドイツ University of Leipzig Int J Mol Sci Increased Growth Differentiation Factor 15 in Patients with Hypoleptinemia-Associated Lipodystrophy. バイオマーカー 33003626
78 R20-6 米国 University of Southern California Inform Med Unlocked Understand variability of COVID-19 through population and tissue variations in expression of SARS-CoV-2 host genes. 発現誘導 33072849
79 R20-7 インド IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital Diabetol Int A study of serum growth differentiation factor 15 in Indian women with and without gestational diabetes mellitus in the third trimester of pregnancy and its association with pro-inflammatory markers and glucose metabolism. バイオマーカー 34150433
80 R21-1 中国 Fudan University Exp Cell Res HIF1α promotes tumor chemoresistance via recruiting GDF15-producing TAMs in colorectal cancer. 生理活性 33242463
81 R21-2 トルコ Turkish Ministry of Health Ankara City Hospital Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol Is GDF-15 level associated with gestational diabetes mellitus and adverse perinatal outcomes? バイオマーカー 33678319
82 R21-3 中国 Shanghai Jiaotong University Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) The Relationship Between Circulating Growth Differentiation Factor 15 Levels and Diabetic Retinopathy in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. バイオマーカー 33790859
83 R21-4 カナダ McMaster University Nat Rev Endocrinol GDF15: emerging biology and therapeutic applications for obesity and cardiometabolic disease. 総説 34381196
84 R21-5 オーストラリア University of Melbourne J Am Heart Assoc Circulating Growth Differentiation Factor 15 Is Increased Preceding Preeclampsia Diagnosis: Implications as a Disease Biomarker. バイオマーカー 34387117
85 R21-6 中国 University of South China Exp Ther Med Emerging roles of growth differentiation factor-15 in brain disorders (Review). 総説 34594407
86 R21-7 ドイツ German Institute of Human Nutrition Cells The Role of GDF15 as a Myomitokine. 総説 34831213
87 R22-1 デンマーク University of Copenhagen Endocrinology GDF15 in Appetite and Exercise: Essential Player or Coincidental Bystander? 総説 34849709
88 R22-2 オーストラリア University of Melbourne EBioMedicine Clinical tools and biomarkers to predict preeclampsia. 総説 34954654
89 R22-3 米国 Yale School of Medicine Nutr Diabetes Growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) is associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in youth with overweight or obesity. バイオマーカー 35194014
90 R22-4 カナダ McMaster University Toxicol Appl Pharmacol The effects of oil sands process-affected water naphthenic acid fraction components on GDF15 secretion in extravillous trophoblast cells. 発現誘導 35259347
91 R22-5 中国 Southwest Petroleum University Anal Methods A label-free amperometric immunosensor with improved electrocatalytic 3D braided AuPtCu-SWCNTs@MoS2-rGO for human growth differentiation factor-15 detection. バイオマーカー 35315459
92 R22-6 米国 University of Memphis Front Aging Growth Differentiation Factor-15 in Immunity and Aging. 総説 35821815
93 R22-7 韓国 Yonsei University Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) Cell non-autonomous effect of hepatic growth differentiation factor 15 on the thyroid gland. 生理活性 36046792
94 R23-1 中国 Shandong University Cell Prolif Insufficient GDF15 expression predisposes women to unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss by impairing extravillous trophoblast invasion. 生理活性 37272232
95 R23-2 米国 University of Missouri-Kansas City Curr Heart Fail Rep Growth Differentiation Factor 15 (GDF-15), a New Biomarker in Heart Failure Management. バイオマーカー 37289373
96 R23-3 中国 Wuhan University Front Cardiovasc Med Adipokines in atherosclerosis: unraveling complex roles. 総説 37645520
97 R24-1 中国 Fudan University Reprod Sci MiR-3074-5p Regulates Trophoblasts Function via EIF2S1/GDF15 Pathway in Recurrent Miscarriage. 転写制御、生理活性 38151653
98 R24-2 チェコ Charles University and Military University Metabolites Exploring the Role of GDF-15 in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Case-Controlled Study Comparing Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis with Non-Inflammatory Controls. バイオマーカー 38668313
99 R24-3 中国 Kunming Medical University Inflamm Res Role and Mechanism of Growth Differentiation Factor 15 in Chronic Kidney Disease. 総説 38741613
100 R24-4 米国 University of Southern California Trends Mol Med Hyperemesis gravidarum theories dispelled by recent research: a paradigm change for better care and outcomes. 総説 38782680